My Journey
I was lucky enough to enjoy being a child. It was when I joined the working world though that life started to make less sense. Then ‘success’ to me meant big money, so I headed to the City but had left in less than 3 years - I was apparently turning down untold riches but somehow I felt very poor.
Moving into teaching believing ‘success’ must mean being a Head, I set to work and after 6 years was being invited to apply for headships. I was driven, ambitious and worked very hard. But I never questioned what the point of it was.
What was it all for?
How could I “succeed”?
Motivation is such an interesting concept and something I always come back to in my work with adults and young people. “What is it that you want?” is perhaps the most asked question in life coaching but it isn’t half as important as “Why do you want it?” and it was the “why” that I had never stopped to think about.
I got my headship, two in fact, but often questioned whether I was in the right place and found myself wondering when contentment and purpose would ever arrive.
Success seemed an elusive dream.
We are all on our own journey and I am a strong believer in the idea that everything comes round for a reason – to teach you something, to help you see something, to guide you. The big question is whether you are listening or not, and I wasn’t.
Your inner voice is probably your most important friend and ally - it knows you better than anyone or anything - and we ignore it at our peril, destined to have the same experience come round in some shape or form, again and again, until we listen, learn and grow.
As Steven Spielberg said, “It never shouts but it does whisper to you”. The trick is to make sure you hear the whispers and allow them to stimulate your curiosity, stopping to ask “What am I being called to do here?”
For me, the peril was my sense of wellbeing – in short, it started making my decisions for me. Success was in fact the realisation that I had not been leading my own life, not been true to myself and that authentic existence that I help people connect with now.
My childhood experiences, conditioning and observations on life had heavily influenced my decisions and perspectives on what it means to succeed. I had spent most of my life trying to achieve, to excel and to be good enough, not for myself, but for others.
My work now is very simple
I work with adults and young people, helping them to see the light within them and to gain access to their authentic selves
What I call their
My Experience, Training and Certification
20+ years
working with, motivating and guiding young people and adults
600 hours
formal training in coaching
and mentoring
3000+ hours
coaching and mentoring
Practitioner Coaching Diploma (Adults) with distinction – Noble Manhattan (DipNMC)
Adolescent Coaching Diploma (Young People) with distinction – Noble Manhattan (DipNMC)
Certified Human Needs Coach – Robbins-Madanes Training
Certified Strategic Intervention Coach - Robbins-Madanes Training
Certificate in Jungian Psychology
Postgraduate Certificate in Education (PGCE)