How it Works

Every client is different and every coaching journey is therefore specially tailored to meet your individual needs and your wishes but in essence, I help my clients to navigate difficult transitions and make meaningful change in their lives


A typical path that we might follow would often look something like this:


1. Goals

In our first session we work together to determine what it is that you want, what are your objectives, what do you want to walk away with, what do you want to change

2. The Terrain

We then look at what life is like for you right now, how are you showing up in the world, how are you experiencing life? What patterns seem to be coming up again and again?

3. True Source

By delving into your inner world, we work together to discover what it is that you deeply value and cherish in life - your TrueSource. What is really stopping you right now, what is holding you back? What are you choosing to believe about yourself and, ultimately, what are you afraid of?


4. Actions

Transforming fresh perspectives and insights into actions, we then make a plan to help you get where you want to go, exploring all manner of options along the way

5. Accountability

By then supporting you to make this change that you have committed to, I am there to help you make sure that you get where you want to go


 My Approach

Central to my coaching work and approach is the practice of Human Needs Psychology (HNP)



HNP revolves around the idea that every action we take, every human behaviour we exhibit, all human motivation in fact, can be explained as the desire to meet one or more of six primary human needs


1. CertainTy

The need for stability in life, to feel safe, to feel comfortable, to know things will be ok

3. Significance

The need to be special, to feel worthy of attention and respect, to be ‘seen’

5. Contribution

The need to give to something larger than ourselves (a cause, a person, a group)


2. Uncertainty/Variety

The need for stimulus and change in our lives, to avoid predictability and boredom

4. Love/Connection

The need to love and feel that we are loved, to feel connected, to belong

6. Growth

The need to develop and expand our emotional, spiritual and intellectual lives



Needs are good

They make us who we are and they show us how we relate to ourselves and the world around us



How do the 6 Human Needs influence us?

Whereas all six of the needs are important to us, in general there are two needs, more than any others, that have a defining impact and influence on our decisions and outcomes in life.

Everyone is different and needs do change at different life stages.

We will explore what needs are driving you and unconsciously motivating you to act the way you do. There are positive and nourishing actions and behaviours that we can embody in life to meet these primary human needs, but there are also negative and damaging ways to meet our needs too and we will explore what vehicles you are using to meet yours.


In addition, my work and approach to our sessions are much influenced by and use techniques from: 



The theory that our actions have powerful unconscious motivations behind them

Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP)

The conscious use of language to bring about changes in thoughts and behaviour


Identifying and emphasising the positive influences in a person’s life, such as character strengths, values and growth areas

Strategic Intervention Coaching (RMT)

Developing a practical method for taking action in a strategic way to achieve goals so that human needs are fulfilled