Schools my clients attend

“I was struggling with feeling trapped and a variety of other issues and it was stifling everything from hobbies to academia - coaching was where we went over what could be causing these things to how we could overcome them and I can honestly say it has helped me immensely. Having done coaching I felt a lot more able to tackle the issues and get back to my A Level work, my hobbies and generally feeling more like myself again. Working with Tom was a pleasure - he was very flexible, a great listener and extremely understanding and helpful. Couldn’t recommend enough.”
“My daughter has suffered many years of anxiety and stress related to bullying from Year 4. This left her anxious, cautious around others and constantly worrying about her own wellbeing. As a mother I was at my wits end…emotionally and mentally drained and honestly not knowing where to turn…..I was then given Tom’s name….
I now have a daughter who is nearly 18, confident, comfortable with herself, she has a great new friendship group, is happy, enjoying year 12 and working towards her A Levels next year…..if it wasn’t for Tom, I really don’t think she would be the young lady I always knew she could be….I wouldn’t hesitate in recommending Tom. Thanks to him, I have my daughter back.”
“Tom’s approach to his work with my teenage daughter was extraordinarily helpful. He worked with her on her social anxiety in a practical and interesting way- quite unlike other practitioners or therapists we have met. He gave her the tools to believe in herself, and although he and my daughter were the ones working together, I felt completely part of the process too.
His key gift has been instilling a sense of positivity in my daughter and I have noticed a huge difference in the way that she views herself around others. Tom’s gentle, lightness of approach belies the profound effect that his work has had. I would describe him as something of a teen-whisperer; someone who instinctively understands this age-group without trying to be “cool”. ”
“My coaching sessions with Tom have been very rewarding on both an academic and personal basis. We started with some self-awareness work exploring my motivations in life, where I wanted to grow, life priorities and values which was so useful in discovering myself more deeply and realising what I want to achieve in my lifetime. I have been provided with a wealth of advice on how to manage anxiety levels and stress, particularly during exam season and the most effective revision methods that help information permanently stick long term.
Tom is a kind, attentive and non-judgemental life coach who has changed my mindset towards so many aspects of my life for the better. I highly recommend his coaching sessions to anyone, whether it’s for tailored advice on academic or personal challenges, or to find solutions to things that are draining you.”
“I worked with Tom for two months and he’s been of great help to me. During our sessions we covered things like managing stress, how to effectively get things done and how to think more positively about oneself. All of these were very helpful and always decided on by myself with some suggestion from Tom. It was also extremely helpful that Tom was very easy to talk to, it made sessions much more productive and enjoyable. I would highly recommend life coaching with Tom - he is very flexible, really understands teenagers and was able to help with simple things like procrastination to more complex things like not knowing the next steps in your life.”
“I took up coaching as I was unsure about where I was going with my A-Levels and wanted a space where I could generate and talk through some ideas. I found it very useful in that I learnt more about why we might pursue certain career paths and what is most important in life. It helped me focus more on what might make me happy as opposed to what is considered a success. Tom was a real pleasure to spend these sessions with, very understanding and really tailored each session to my needs. I think if you are looking for some life guidance or support to find your feet in Year 12 (or anywhere!) taking up coaching is something you should try - it was definitely a great learning experience for me.”
“Coaching with Tom was extremely useful for my anxiety, but also enjoyable at the same time. In the time I spent with him, I learnt how to find the main circumstances that cause my anxiety, and the feelings that come with it, therefore developing strategies to help reduce it. We explored many different techniques together and I was able to find various ones that I often use when I feel like this. Each session was different and focused on specific things that I struggle with, and the homework tasks he set really helped me move forward. He helped me construct a personal map, and through this, I gained an understanding of my strengths, growth areas, values etc, which has become really useful in my day-to-day life. We also made a plan, including long-term goals and specifically how I will accomplish these in a real and measurable way. Tom was extremely approachable and understanding towards me, and I am very glad I took the opportunity of coaching.”
“Tom has been extremely helpful in finding strategies to handle my stress, caused by my inability to juggle my busy school life. He offered a new perspective on the situation so I could organise my time more efficiently and achieve a more balanced lifestyle. I truly appreciate the amount of time and thought that went into resolving the root of my stress, which certainly alleviated my worries and meant I was more productive in the long term. Tom was a pleasure to work with and I would recommend him to anybody looking for a life coach.”
“Tom has a clear, gentle and articulate way in his coaching. Not only has this has helped my daughter to develop a stronger connection with her true self but also with the world around her. As a teenage girl, where the external world has become so loud, Tom has created the space for my daughter to extract her essence and what she offers this world. This has transcended into how she has dealt with some big ups and downs at secondary school. My strong willed daughter has navigated her way forward with more resilience, empathy and awareness which I can genuinely attribute to her sessions with Tom. ”