Coaching and mentoring young people is a great privilege
By listening, empathising, guiding and supporting them to bring meaningful change to their lives, I help young people to find purpose, motivation and flow, particularly when they are finding life hard
What are you struggling with in your life right now?
What would you like more of? What would you like less of?
And if you could change just one thing, what would it be?
These are some of the powerful questions that can spark the beginning of a coaching journey
We work on a great many things but confidence and self-esteem are usually at the heart of most of the issues that teenagers struggle with today. This often brings anxiety with it too
Why am I finding life so hard? Why don’t I fit in?
How can I just be myself?
How can I achieve what I want? Why does school cause me so much stress?
How do I stop feeling so anxious?
Being a young person often raises more questions than it provides answers. This confusion tends to bring about uncertainty, which in turn leads to anxiety
Anxiety is an interesting topic because at its heart, it’s your body’s way of talking to you. It is telling you something and coaching will help you tune into this message, how to understand it and what changes you can make to feel a greater sense of ease and flow in your life
While delving into some of these challenges though, we also focus on you
Who are you, really, aside from the roles you play in your life?
(eg. daughter, friend, son, sister, carer etc)
We work together to help you develop your sense of self and what it feels like to be you – your TrueSource
We identify your character strengths, your values, where you want to grow in life and what anchors you. Confidence and self-esteem are built in relationship with others and the philosophy here is that we can’t hope to build and nurture healthy relationships with others until we truly understand and know ourselves. This is of course a whole life’s work and not a quick fix.
Sharing wisdom, experience and understanding of human behaviour from my own journey, we piece together your world and then identify key areas that you would like to focus on.
Following a comprehensive adolescent coaching curriculum with units on over 50 themes, we then work together to set goals and targets in the areas most important to you.
But it’s not just about taking action, it can be about changing perspectives and beliefs that unlock the door to making personal transformation and growth, removing the blocks on your path.
I typically work with a teenager for 3-6 months and we would aim to meet every week or every other week
Over the course of 8-10 sessions, we would cover the bulk of the work outlined above, including setting goals and checking on progress. Some young people I work with for longer, others we work on quite a specific issue over 2-4 sessions
Everyone is different and no two coaching journeys are the same
Common themes I work with
Lacking Motivation
Understanding Procrastination
Anxiety and Stress Management
Building Self-Esteem
Tertiary/Career Planning
Relationship with Self
Relationships with Others
Friendship Problems
Social Dynamics
Developing Emotional Intelligence
Preparing for Exams
Decision Making
Positive Thinking
Self-Limiting Beliefs